Concluding Seminar on Drugs: Wasting the Present and Losing the Future - Deanship of Students Affairs


null Concluding Seminar on Drugs: Wasting the Present and Losing the Future


The Deanship of Student Affairs organized an awareness seminar on "Drugs: Wasting the Present and Losing the Future",  which is among the activities devoted to training and educating the students. The manager of public relations Mr. Saeed bin Ali AL-Wadeai confirmed that fighting narcotics can be conducted through faith, He pointed out that there are some parties that seek to deviate young people from the right path through narcotics or embracing extremist ideas. Then, Dr. Mohammed Abdulbadeea Shahroor made a presentation on Narcotics: definition, types, dangers and methods of treatment. At the end so the seminar, the Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Khaled AL-Wadai thanked those who participated in the success of the seminar in addition to  honoring the participants  and taking photo-ops.