Research Management Form    
نموذج إدارة المشاريع البحثية

This form is designed for the following purposes:

  1. Submission of a request to change the research team
  2. Submission of a request to change the title
  3. Submission of a request for publication approval
  4. Request for cancellation of a research project

Please complete the form relevant to your request:

  1. Research Team Change Form Complete the form and submit it along with the signed copy of the contract.

  2. Title Change Form Complete the form and submit it along with the signed copy of the contract.

  3. Publication Request Form Complete the form and submit it along with the signed copy of the contract and a copy of the published paper.

  4. Research Project Cancellation Request Form Complete the form and submit it along with the signed copy of the contract.

Please use your university email to log in."