The University Esatablishment:

The custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, may Allah bless him, issued a royal decree of establishing Najran University on Shawaal 10th,1427A.H. during the inauguration ceremony of the University campus.

 The University Location:

Najran University is located on the Eastern outskirts of the city of Najran, with an area of 18 million square meters, thus becoming the largest University campus all over the Kingdom. The University will include two campuses for males and females. It consist of 15 and 10 colleges for males and females respectively, with an overall capacity of 45 thousand students. The university will also have a medical city, a research center, a sport and entertainment arenas and accommodation for the faculty and staff members as well as students. There will also be a future investment city to serve as a trust foundation for the university. The investment will include, not exclusively, hotels, commercial centers and private schools.

 The University Colleges:

The University comprises at the moment fourteen colleges, as follows:

 College of Applied Medical Sciences

Grants BS degrees and consists of the following departments:
-Department of Clinical Laboratories Sciences
-Department of Radiology Sciences
-Department of Natural Therapy

College of Computer Science and  Information Technology

Grants BS degrees and consists of the following departments:
-Department of Computer Science
-Department of Information Technology
-Department of Network Engineering and Telecommunications

 College of Engineering

Grants BS degrees and consists of the following departments:
-Department of Mechanical Engineering
-Department of Industrial Engineering
-Department of Electrical Engineering
-Department of Civil Engineering
-Department of Chemical Engineering
-Department of Architectural

College of Languages

Grants BA degrees and consists of the following departments:
-Department of English Language
-Department of Translation

College of Dentistry  

Grants BS degrees and consists of the following departments:
-Department of Preventive Dental
-Department of Restorative Dental
-Department of Prosthetic Dental
-Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
& Diagnostic Sciences

 College of Pharmacy

Grants BS degrees and consists of the following departments:
-Department of Pharmaceuticals
-Department of Clinical Pharmacy
-Department of Drugs
-Department of Pharmacology
-Department of Pharmaceutical

College of  Nursing

A- Grants BA degrees:
-Department of Nursing

B-Department of Midwifery grants
diplomas degree in the following majors
-Department of Nursing Learning and
-Nursing Depart of Surgical and Internal
-Nursing Depart of Mater and child
-Nursing Depart of Comm Health and
Mental Heal

College of Arts and Sciences
                     of Sharora

Grants BA degrees in the following majors:
A – Scientific Majors
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Computer Sciences

B – Theoretical Departments:
- Department of Arabic Language
- Department of Islamic Studies
- Department of English Language
-Department of Education and
Kindergarten Education

College of Medicine

Grants BS degrees and consists of the following departments:
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Microbiology
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Department of Physiology
-Department of Family and
 Community Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pathology
-Department of Obstetrics and
- Department of Biochemistry

College of Administrative Sciences

Grants BA degrees and consists of the following departments:
-Department of Business Administration
-Department of Public Administration
-Department of Accountancy
-Department of Administrative
Information Systems
-Department of Systems
-Department of Marketing and

College of Arts and Sciences

Grants BA degrees in the following majors:
A – Scientific Majors:
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Physics
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Biology

B – Humanities:
- Department of Arabic
- Department of English

College of Education

Grants BA degrees and consists of the following departments:
-Department of Education and
-Department of Home Economics
-Department of Kindergarten Education
-Department of Special Education
-Department of Curriculum and

College Applied

Grants University diplomas and consists of the following departments:

- Department of Computer Sciences
- Department of Medical Sciences
-Department of Administrative Sciences

College of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion

Grants BA degrees in the following majors:
- Department of Sharia
-Department of Fundamentals of

 The University Deanships:

Deanship of Digital Transformation and Knowledge Resources

The Deanship of Student Affairs works to provide a suitable environment for educational attainment, practical training and character building, in which students invest their time inside and outside the university in religious, cultural and social activities in order to develop their talent in all aspects.

   Deanship of Development and Quality  

The Deanship of Development and Quality is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the management of comprehensive quality systems and continuous improvement across all academic, research, and administrative units. It provides the necessary technical support to ensure the university's vision, mission, and strategic goals are achieved.

Deanship of Admission and Registration

The Deanship of Admission and Registration is responsible for enrolling students who meet the university’s admission criteria and confirming their acceptance. It serves as the first gateway for students entering the university and the final step as they receive their diplomas and academic degrees.

Deanship of Student Affairs

The Deanship of Student Affairs works to provide a suitable environment for educational attainment, practical training and character building, in which students invest their time inside and outside the university in religious, cultural and social activities in order to develop their talent in all aspects.

Deanship of Preparatory Year

The Deanship of Preparatory Year provides a one-year program for most university students to prepare them for medical, scientific, and administrative specializations.

Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research

The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research focuses on developing graduate programs and promoting scientific research by supporting researchers and providing an encouraging academic environment. It also fosters research partnerships and encourages scientific publications to achieve academic excellence.


Leadership in teaching, learning and scientific research to build an innovative and internationally competitive knowledge society.


Providing distinguished education and producing competitive scientific research that contribute to the development of the knowledge economy and building effective community partnerships, by strengthening institutional governance that supports creativity and national values.


  • Leadership: the science and art of guiding others towards achieving goals with the lowest costs and highest returns.
  • Responsibility: Positive interaction towards the university and society based on a sense of nationalism.
  • Honesty: faithfully performing tasks and fulfilling rights and duties.
  • Transparency: Clarity in all duties and activities, decisions and transactions.
  • Excellence: doing business in an elaborate and innovative manner.
  • Moderation: moderation in all actions in thought and approach, and application of the constants, taking into account the surrounding variables.
  • Creativity: supporting novelty , especially in ideas, with the use of what has been created in the form of a product.
  • Empowerment: Providing opportunities for participation for all male and female employees of the university in decision-making.
  • Affiliation: loyalty to the homeland and the promotion of its principles and values in the university's programs and activities.
  • Integrity: Commitment to ethical and professional principles based on Islamic Sharia.

Vice Rectorate for Educational  Affairs

Dr. Bandr Al Shehri

Vice Rectorate for Scientific Research

Dr. Huda Al Yami

Vice Presidency for Business and Investment

Dr. Youssef Al-Hazmi
Responsive Image

 Najran University is situated in Najran City, one of the oldest cities with a history filled with major events. Historians and geographers laud this region full of agricultural richness for its strategic location, the fertility of its land and the abundance of its ground water, which gave it a great deal of value amid other Arabian Peninsula areas. One might say that Najran gathers several topographic features, being an agricultural, mountainous and desert area all the while. Najran is also considered as one of the most ancient sites that date back to eras Before Christ with several remnants continuing to exist to date.




Where did Najran get its name from?
"Najran" appears in several historical chronicles and various books of Arab and foreign explorers without explaining the word, leaving it for previous accounts. Some narratives mention Najran as a piece of wood around which a door bolt turns, adding: "I closed the door with the "najran" until there was no creaking left in the door." The tale adds that Najran was named after Najran Bin Zaidan Bin Yarub Bin Qahtan, who was the first to dwell in it and build it. According to the story, Najran reached this place after seeing a vision that terrified him and left him wandering until he reached a valley in which he stayed and which was called after him. In other literature, Najran comes up in a poem verse that says: "I poured water in the Najran until the door was left without a creak."

The Bedouins in Najran had their own life, similarly to other dwellers of the desert across the Arabian Peninsula. They would seek pastures and any spots where the rainwater was collected taking along their herds comprising stags, sheep and especially goats, which are considered as their main source of living. Their owners sold their wool, ate their meat and drank their milk. As for the Najran city dwellers, their main task was agriculture and they devoted their whole life for it, plowing the land in the primitive ways, watering it in other old-fashioned methods, using the stags or cows in what was called the "Sawani" way. The crop would consist of dates, wheat, corn and barley used for human consumption as well as fodder to feed the livestock raised by the Najran residents in private barns. The economy was a simple barter, one where Bedouins would exchange wool, wood and oil for wheat, corn and dates.
The Location:
Najran is situated in the south eastern part of the Saudi Kingdom, i.e., the eastern sides of Al-Deera area that extends across the Middle Region up to the far south of the Arabian Peninsula, almost at the longitude line of 441/3 and latitude line of 171/2. The surface of Najran is around 36,500 Square Kilometers, a large part of it covered by the desert, affiliated under Sharora governorate, falling administratively under the region of Najran. The highlands in Najran range between 900 and 1800 meters above sea level. Najran area is surrounded by very high mountains from the north and the south decreasing in height as we go east until they merge in the Empty Quarter sands. Najran falls on a flat land, crossed at the center by Najran Valley that enters the area from the west to the east to flow into the Empty Quarter sands and what is known by "Ramlat Yam".
The climate in Najran Region is somehow continental, with an average temperature ranging between 14.6 and 30.9 Centigrade degrees, and a very low rate of rain with an annual average of just 83 mm.